Business Standard
We divide our process for Businesses into three aspects.
Report and Clarify
Take an initial enquiry, clarify the core elements and relevant corporate material, to ensure the issue meets the relevant requirements.
Frame and Investigate
Establish the issues and the material required to assess the information provided, to arrive at a valid issue for consideration.
Review and Report
Assess all information to provide a report to the business on the areas for investigation, without identifying the source of the information or identity of the person providing the information.
Business Premium
Report and Clarify
Take an initial enquiry, clarify the core elements and relevant corporate material, to ensure the issue meets the relevant requirements.
Frame and Investigate
Establish the process to independently verify the issue. Devise an internal audit program or external audit program to place the issue within the business’s context.
Review and Advice
Assess the result of the audit to determine compliance with audit plan and effectiveness in detection of the issue. Close out the whistleblower concern.
Report and Clarify
Assist the whistleblower to place the issue in context, assess its value and the relevant legal instruments involved in the transactions. Where the Whistleblower’s Organisation has no policy we provide guidance on a fee for service basis.
Frame and Investigate
Confirm the best approach to frame the issue investigate the issue. This may include review of legal documents, financial records and transaction analysis. The investigation can take many forms, such as joint reviews, third party audits and risk reviews.
Review and Advice
Given these are structured joint solutions, we provide ongoing monitoring to ensure that the project remains on track.
Assist the whistleblower to place the issue in context and assess its value. Where the whistleblower’s employer has no policy we provide guidance on a confidential fee for service basis.
Confirm the best approach to investigate the issue, using the available tools in use between the parties.
Support the Whistleblower in the progress of their concerns outcome.
The whistleblower assist program follows statutory and business policy for whistleblower protection and for progressing issues to resolution consistent with protocols.