As a result, we provide our top independent source of enterprise-level external whistleblower frameworks to address the constantly evolving needs of risk management. Our hotline and associated services have developed into an organised, integrated strategy where internal teams take care of your organization’s demands.
Your company pays every minute that fraud and other wrongdoing go unreported. Businesses in Australia and New Zealand have lost $543 million over the past two years due to fraud alone (an average loss of $3.5 million per organisation).
Your employees can reach the Whistle Blower hotline in confidence by calling the toll-free 1800 number, going online, sending an email, sending a letter, or sending a fax.
In fact, financial loss might not even be your biggest concern; according to most organisations, what matters most is the long-term damage on their reputation.
By catching fraud and improper behaviour early on, you can minimise the damage. With the help of a whistle blower programme, your staff members can raise issues and report them so that they can be resolved as soon as possible.
How we can assist?
Our whistle blower reporting service, run by forensic specialists, is a tried-and-true, confidential and anonymous mechanism for employees and other parties to report suspected fraud, misconduct, and other inappropriate behaviour (such as suspected bullying and harassment).
Since its establishment in 2008, it has been used to identify and stop fraud in more than 60 nations and in a variety of languages.
The Whistle Blower Reporting Service offers a number of deployment options, and is:
- a service that is affordable and offers multiple channels for employees and outside parties to express concerns
- available every day of the year, 24/7
- runs completely externally to your organisation
- in compliance with a number of local and international laws, codes, and standards
- able to provide you with a thorough report on the issue within 24 hours
Experienced and knowledgeable forensic professionals oversee WBS’s whistle blower reporting service. If necessary, we can also offer advice on the components of a suitable response and carry out the requisite investigations.